1. Create a new project with luminus (optional)

    lein new luminus foobar

  2. Setup nREPL in Luminus

    In order to run the remote nREPL, just define the NREPL_PORT environment variable and run the project. I compiled the project (lein uberjar) and directly run as a jar. It should also work from Tomcat

    export NREPL_PORT=7000
    java -jar target/uberjar/foobar.jar
  3. Connect remotely

    To connect to the remote nREPL

    lein repl :connect 7000
  4. Inject code

    From the repl you just launched (the one with :connect 7000), you can inject new code into the jar. Let’s say you modified the file foobar.clj and you want to test it. Just type (load-file "foobar.clj") and the new code should be loaded into the running application

  5. Connect from Emacs

    To connect from Emacs to the remote REPL, just M-x cider-connect and then specify the host and port (localhost and 7000 in our case). If you followed all the steps, Emacs should complain that If you want to connect from Emacs using Cider, you have to modify a couple of things. If you just tr

    First you need to add the relative plugin [cider/cider-nrepl "0.15.0-snapshot"] (actually check that the version matches the emacs one).

  6. Emacs shortcuts

    The most useful shortcut is C-c C-l which will send the code to the remote REPL and inject it into the running application (just list load-file does)


  • http://www.luminusweb.net/docs/deployment.md#enabling_nrepl
  • https://www.cheatography.com/bilus/cheat-sheets/emacs-cider/