• Nested views with backbone and marionette

    TL;DR; Create 2 models and 2 collections and 2 ItemView and 2 CollectionView Let’s build the classic TODO application, but also let’s group TODOs together....

  • The impossible bug hunt

    Recently I had to find a bug which has shown to be very nasty (not to mention not existent). One morning a customer called us...

  • Learning RegExp

    Knowing regexp is always a good tool. They can be useful for many tasks: from searching strings to manipulating texts. A fun way to learn...

  • Testing a RESTful API with php and curl

    Testing a RESTful API can be tricky, but it is totaly feasible. To keep things as easy as possible I use curl to do all...

  • Authentication of RESTFUL APIs

    Authentication in a RESTFUL api is crucial. You don’t want to give unauthorized access to private resources, nor to allow dangerous operations. There are many...