Migrations in yii allow a clean way to change your database schema. Using migrations we can add tables, colummns or change fields type.

To use a migration in Yii, just create a new one typing

yiic migrate create migration_name

and a new file will be created under the directory protected/migrations. The name of the file has a prefix which indicates the timestamp when the migration was created.

The file has two functions up and down and two commented functions safeUp and safeDown. The difference is that safeUp and safeDown will automatically roll back if the migration did not finish correctly. Always use safeUp and safeDown, otherwise you could end in the situation where a migration only partially finished can’t be undone. This happens, for instance if you create many three fields a, b, c in the migration and it fails to create b, you will not be able to undo the migration because it will fail tring to drop field c. Similarly, it will also fail to reapply the migration because it will try to recreate field a. And you get stuck.

When creating a column (either via the createTable or the addColumn) you must specify the columnt type. You can use one of the types specified by the getColumntType which are:

  • pk and bigpk: an auto-incremental primary key type, will be converted into
  • string: string type, will be converted into varchar(255)
  • text: a long string type, will be converted into text
  • integer: integer type, will be converted into int(11)
  • bigint: integer type, will be converted into bigint(20)
  • boolean: boolean type, will be converted into tinyint(1)
  • float: float number type, will be converted into float
  • decimal: decimal number type, will be converted into decimal
  • datetime: datetime type, will be converted into datetime
  • timestamp: timestamp type, will be converted into timestamp
  • time: time type, will be converted into time
  • date: date type, will be converted into date
  • binary: binary data type, will be converted into blob

If the type is not recognised, it will be directly used in the SQL query without any translation.

Normally, the migrations are created in protected/migrations directory, but it is possible to alter this behavior by using the --migrationPath switch. Therefore, if you want to keep modules migrations within modules, just use:

./yiic.php migrate --migrationPath=application.modules.moduleName.migrations
create migration_name

Finally, remember that yii will apply migrations in order by looking at tbl_migration DB table and executing each migration file that is not listed in that table. Therefore if the table and the directory diverge, migrations quickly became difficult to use. Keep in mind, either you use only migrations and always migrations to change the DB, either they will soon became useless.